April 28, 2022: eCharts4r for Interactive Visualization with Michael Thomas

Since the implementation of the grammar of graphics in the ggplot2 R package, R became the standard for scientific data visualization. But what if I told you that even ggplot graphics can be improved by making the charts interactive and turbocharged with animations as part of the data story telling?

This is where R meets JavaScript. ECharts is one of the most versatile and liked visualization libraries. And of course, there is a package out there, called echarts4r, to make ECharts right from R.

At our April Meetup, Michael Thomas introduce us to echarts4r. Michael Thomas is the Chief Data Scientist at Ketchbrook Analytics, a data science consultancy based in Hartford, CT, that specializes in R and Shiny development. He enjoys taking the time to find the right solution for the problem, and has a passion for teaching others about healthy software development practices. Michael gets just as excited crafting machine learning models as he does building web applications, and he is a frequent speaker at events and conferences in the data science space.
