We hosted our 1st ever joint social event with the Edmonton and Calgary R User Groups (YEGRUG and CalgaryR). We had two talks, both from the organizers of the Edmonton and Calgary groups.
Peter Solymos (YEGRUG) talked about “Hosting Data Apps”, a website mostly about Shiny app hosting. Peter shared his experiences of Shiny and how the website got started.
Pablo Adames (CalgaryR) has been finalizing his BasicR Syntax Workshop series, and shared how he designed lessons with the learnr package, creating R tutorials in RStudio and using Shinyapps.io to deploy them.
Delivering R effectively is a hard problem, even for professionals. The Carpentries recommend RStudio Cloud, using learn on Rstudio + Shinyapps.io is an alternative that has worked as well. See https://carpentries.org/blog/2020/04/scaffolds/